Women in God’s Service, WinGS

Women in God’s Service, WinGS, is a group of women within Peace Lutheran Church organized to promote and support the ministry goals of the congregation.  All ladies of the congregation are automatically members of WinGS and are free to participate in any or all of the activities sponsored by WinGS.  There are no dues for participation, just eager hands, attentive ears and willing hearts. 

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Peace Women’s Guild is to help each woman grow in faith through Bible study, caring, service and fellowship, enabling her to use her gifts to serve her Lord, church, community and mission field. 

Targets, Goals and Objectives

Target 1:  Spiritual Growth
Goal: Each woman in the congregation is encouraged and given additional opportunities to strengthen her faith for a closer walk with God.
Objective:  All Women engage in independent Bible study and prayer daily, are in at least one other Bible study group, and use other women as mentors in the faith.

Target 2:  Fellowship
Goal: The Guild serves as a facilitating organization for a wider variety of social activities and fellowship opportunities.
Objective: There will be an increased camaraderie among the women of the congregation for a stronger “army of the Lord” who unite together happily and often to do the Lord’s work.

Target 3:  Human Care
Goal: Members of the congregation with specials needs and situations are shown an extra measure of Christ’s love in action.
Objective:  Meals, cards, visits, prayers, showers, phone calls, etc… are provided as an instrument of Christ’s love.

Target 4:  Mission Work and Awareness
Goal: Women are presented with a variety of mission opportunities to promote and further the mission and vision of the congregation.
Objective: Creative and traditional ways are explored for spreading the Gospel message throughout the mission field, including LWML, Comfort Knotters, preschool functions, etc… and working with other organizations throughout the church.

Target 5:  Service
Goal: The organization serves as an auxiliary arm of the church, providing service and funding for various projects and special requests.
Objective: Special projects, kitchen management and special service requests are explored and joyfully fulfilled. 

Sunday February 9, 2025: 2025-02-09_Fifth_Sunday_after_the_Epiphany_-_Default.docx

Wednesday February 5, 2025: 2025-02-05_The_Purification_of_Mary_and_the_Presentation_of_Our_Lord_-_Default.docx
Announcements: Announcements 02-09-2025 .pub

LSUS notes: LSUS Notes2-9-25.docx
4900 Fairfield Ave Fort Wayne, IN 46807 | 260-744-3869