Cross Connections

Peace Lutheran Church is pleased to partner with Cross Connections to provide counseling services.  If anyone is interested in this service, please contact the church office.


Cross Connections is a counseling and training center that provides affordable Christ-centered professional counseling and equips lay counselors, called Covenant Partners, to offer Biblical guidance to others.

What makes Cross Connections unique?
First, all clients seen by us have to be referred by their pastor. Our desire is to partner with pastors in restoring or changing our clients’ lives. The change we are talking about is “Biblical change,” a change that is accomplished by the Holy Spirit. We are privileged to share hope from God’s Word with our clients, no matter what their circumstances are.

Secondly, we train lay people to work with clients who desire help to make Godly choices and changes. Our lay counselors, who we call Covenant Partners, go through extensive training, 18 months to be exact, and then they work under the supervision of a professional counselor.

Finally, we offer membership in a community of Cross Connections churches (a community your church already belongs to) that includes benefits of being able to offer their congregation members reduced fee professional counseling, no fee Covenant Partner counseling, and the opportunity to enroll in Covenant Partner or lay counselor training.

Here’s what one of our clients shared with us:
"I learned (through Cross Connections) that I'm not in control and I don't have to be in control. That I can trust the Lord to handle it and I think I needed to learn that, even in a deeper way. We all say we trust the Lord but when push comes to shove sometimes we think that he's busy and we'll take care of it. And it doesn't work like that. He's blessed me all the way through this mess in huge ways. Not just details but in big, big ways. Saying, 'I love you, I hear you, I see you’ …”

To read more testimonials and to learn more about Cross Connections, visit our website at

Sunday February 9, 2025: 2025-02-09_Fifth_Sunday_after_the_Epiphany_-_Default.docx

Wednesday February 5, 2025: 2025-02-05_The_Purification_of_Mary_and_the_Presentation_of_Our_Lord_-_Default.docx
Announcements: Announcements 02-09-2025 .pub

LSUS notes: LSUS Notes2-9-25.docx
4900 Fairfield Ave Fort Wayne, IN 46807 | 260-744-3869